Create a new Event


If you are new here, you need to have an account. To make it all simplier, please create an account at . To make the calendar a little more safe, only registered user can create here an event for their grid. PLEASE - DO NOT USE THE SAME PASSWORD AS IN YOUR OWN GRID.

Mostly Important

You need only to create here an event if your grid has not an own event calendar. Or if you find it easier to set the event here. Or if the grid event calendar not yet read by hypeventsNG. Your Grid admin can write an mail to Maintainer of>Maintainer of , we will try soon as possible to read the grid calendar then.

To create a new event fill in the formular data

Avatar Firstname :
Avatar Lastname :
Date from :
Date To :
Time from :
Time to :
Location :
Title :
Description :
Please look here for the DSGVO (European Data Security) in German or here in English. With click on the "Send" Button you accept that policy. ?>